Friday, February 26, 2010

Can't sleep...I HATE IT!

So, it's almost one in the morning and I can't sleep. But I am in good company, I'm with Gordon Ramsey! I'm watching Kitchen Nightmares. I'm so in love with that show!!!!! I found it today and I haven't been able to stop watching. I feel like Gordon has a very big heart and don't dodge the truth. He's a little harsh, but he really cares about what happens with these resturants. I love hearing the cooks talk about how Gordon helped the resturant. But it suprises me that the cooks will say the things about him that they say. He's a world class chef and has three amazing resturants all over the world and has been renounded as the best chef in the world. The cooks are mostly jerks and think they know the best, completely ignoring or arguing with Gordon. If I had a chef like the in my kitchen, I would do everything I could to learn from him, especially if I liked cooking. Which I don't...if you didn't know. But normally they come around and love Gordon by the end.

Something that bothered me at first was the amount of cussing. Chef Gordon says the F work and the S word all the time. But I think after watching like 7 episodes, I figured him out. He doesn't cuss when he is angry, he cusses all the time. When he's happy, when he's excited, when he's pissed...all the time. So, know I understand when he is talking when he's angry or when he's happy.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Jay Hopler in my class!!!!!

So I really love my creative writing class. Today Jay Hopler came in and talked with us about writing and creating images. I'm sure you don't know who Jay Hopler is, I definatly didn't. Jay is a poet from SLC and I think DC, but I could be totally wrong. He writes these amazingly images that just grab you and refuse to let go. Below is a poem by him called Gardening. He told us the story behind the poem. He had gone into his family doctor and was told that everything he enjoyed eating he couldn't eat anymore and everything he enjoyed doing he couldn't do anymore. He was really depressed and the following poem came out. (Please note that I do not own this poem or anything associated with it. It is copywrited by Jay Hopler.)



What else is one to do — when one has so little and so little to look

Forward to? Today, I staked the tomatoes; tomorrow, it’s going to



A cool, wet spring and everything rotten —.


Forget about your bones,

This wet gets in the soul,

The spirit, whatever you

Want to call it, that pilot

Light we’re all so proud

Of, and makes you wish

Its sad dim flame would

Just hiss-out — the water-

Logged fronds of the tin

Palms dripping, the gate

Swinging, sodden, on its



The thunder down its heavy leather

Lays and from the ruined garden by the lake a hazy murmuration

lifts into the rain-lit

Air, blurs into the mists that swirl there,

Then settles in thin wing-swept breaths


Into the maidenhair —


I have an idea, let’s all live forever!


If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, maybe I’ll water the tea roses; maybe

I’ll weed something.

As soon as he read this one to us, I fell in love! He had a few others that he read to us and I was enthralled with him and his ability to create images. I want to be like that. I asked him when he knew he wanted to be a poet and not just a writer. His response was a little sad, but very honest. He was in college and set on being the next Steven King. He had always loved the horror genre and had his mind set that he was going to become a fiction/horror writer. There was one problem...he coudln't write fiction. His professor said somthing to that effect, but that he wasn't too bad at poetry, maybe he should try that instead.

I guess we should hunt down that professor and sing his/her praise! Because of that, Jay decided to go to poetry and what a treat! Everyone should go get his poetry and read it! Here is a link to his website. Please go check it out!