Monday, March 22, 2010

Have to do my homework...ahhh!

I have been totally slacking off. It's been spring break this past week, so I didn't have classes on Thursday. But I've had to deal with my sister, Heather, who was sick with Strep Throat on Monday and Tuesday. Then I had to work on Wednesday and Thursday I just didn't do anything. Friday I got sick and I've been really sick ever since. So I haven't done any of my homework. That is a really bad thing. So, now I am off to doing my homework. Bully for me!

I can't sleep!

I can't sleep. I've been sick and now I can't sleep. I took three melatonan and feel asleep very quickly, but I woke up around 3:30am and am still awake. I've been surfing the web, looking at different videos. I found an episode of Tyra about vampires. It's weird because there are these people that believe they are vampires. But all they are really doing is energy manipulation. The a women is talking right now about her ability to manipulate energy and she believes in Karma and whatnot. Some of what she talks about makes sense, but other things she says is just confused and weird. It's sad to see her be so confused about her life.

I am so tired!!!!!! I can't sleep. I'm staring at the clock and willing my eyes to get tired. But they won't!!!!!! Blah!!