Saturday, September 5, 2009

Criminal Minds

So I totally found a new TV show that I love!!!!!! It's called Criminal Minds and it's about the FBI Behavior Analyse Unit. It's an amazing show, the psycology of the serial killers is facinating and slightly scary. It's done a good job of making me casous though. I don't ever walk alone anywhere anymore and I make sure I don't open the door very wide if I don't know who it is. Last night I thought I heard two gun shots at about 11:00pm. I looked out the window and saw the neighbor look out their windows too. Weston told me that I needed to stop watching shows about cops and whatnot. But I still feel like something might have happened. A few months ago in the middle of the night at like 2 am we heard a bloodcurtling scream. It makes me a little nervous, but we've never had any problems here before, not that I know of.

School started last week. I'm taking English 2010, American Lit 2520, Ethics and Values and Astronomy. I haven't been in school for 4 years and so its been kind of hard to get back into the groove of things. The amount of reading that I have to do is very frustrating. Lets be totally honest, what people really want to read 35 pages about the star positions in the sky? Well I guess thats kind of a stupid question, there are lots of people that like that kind of stuff. Just not me. My phil class, Ethic and Values, is...interesting to say the least. The professor is really different, competely dissorganized and all over the place. He'll stop mid-sentence not knowing what he was talking about and he'll ask us. It's really weird. American Lit is good/bad. I enjoy reading the stories and talking about them, but my professor is so very liberal and makes a point to push it into our faces. It's kind of frustrating for me because its not an appropriate place to come back at him.

I've really liked being back at school though. There have been a few problems with financial aid. The funding isn't going to come through for another week or so. I'm going to have to pay some to keep my classes until the financial aid comes through. The annoying thing about it was that the girl I talked to didn't seem to care one bit about the fact that my money wasn't going to come through. People really bother me sometimes. Oh well, it's not the worst thing in the world.


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