So I know I haven't posted in a while, but I am now!!!!! I feel very accomplished today. I went to the library and got a parking pass at UVU (I'm scared to start school at Wednesday!). I went to Platos Closet and was disappointed because they only bought 2 things for $3.20. That was sad. I was expecting more, like maybe them taking my Abcerombi and Fitch shirt, but they didn't. Weird!!!!!!
Hawaii and Disneyland was amazing! Hawaii was one of those amazing experiences that will be kind of hard to top. The first day there, literally right from the airport, we went to the most beautiful beach I have ever seen! We jumped right into the water and it was like being wrapped in a huge soft blanket. I had so much fun and I saw my very first crab! It was black and totally blended in with the rock around it.
Friday we went scuba diving. I had never been before and it was fun, but kind of scary. I got nervous when it got really shallow. I would kind of freak out and swim into deeper water like a crazy person. But we did see a Sea Turtle and we took a picture with it!
That night we went to a luau. It was so much fun!!!!!!